Acne Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that affects women after 30 more often than other people. It has different forms and may also impact the eyes. Here we’re going to discuss rosacea that resembles acne. Still, we need to distinguish these conditions and find the way to the proper treatment.

The thing is that there is no one established cause of rosacea. That is why it is easier to prevent it and avoid certain triggers than to cure it. Let’s delve into more detail.

What is Acne Rosacea

Acne rosacea is a skin issue that is accompanied by inflammation and worsening conditions of the skin. It’s more common among people with fair skin and women. The condition usually starts to develop after the age of 30. However, there is no scientific explanation for the main reasons for its appearance.


All symptoms of this condition are related to the skin on the face and also eyes may be affected. The following signs are the most common.

Facial redness

At first, patients experience flushing. In this case, the skin on the face becomes red and then this shade disappears. There may be a direct cause for such flushing or not. As the disease progresses, such redness may become persistent.

Papules and pustules

In addition, small red bumps appear on the chicks and forehead. They resemble acne but don’t have blackheads. Still, they may be full of puss and deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations to the patient.

Blood vessels

Furthermore, blood vessels of the skin become visible as thin red lines. They do not disappear on their own and make the face of a patient even redder.

Eye irritation

At last, rosacea may also affect the eyes. This means their irritation or watery state. Swelled eyelids and bloodshot eyes represent another possible symptom. Over time, it leads to vision impairment and makes everyday life quite difficult.


As far as the modern science tells us, there is no one direct main cause for this disease. This skin condition is caused by a combination of various factors, including:

  • exposure to the sun;
  • influence of high and low temperatures;
  • permanent stress;
  • unhealthy diet (especially spice food) and alcohol abuse;
  • hormonal misbalance;
  • certain cosmetics for skin and hair.

All these reasons should be taken into account during the planning of the treatment. The fewer triggering factors, the lower the symptoms will be.


For diagnostics, one should visit a healthcare provider who makes a physical examination and asks a set of questions regarding the lifestyle of a patient and his or her family history.

In addition, the doctor may recommend tests for microorganisms or skin parasites to eliminate their presence.


As for the possible cure, it is aimed at decreasing unpleasant symptoms. As far as the primary cause is not established this is the only way to help the situation. Furthermore, certain lifestyle changes are also recommended to diminish the effect of possible triggers and get a better result.

Topical medications

At first, various topical remedies are prescribed, namely:

  • lotions with antibiotics (like doxycycline) or antiseptics to reduce the appearance of papules and pustules;
  • anti-inflammatory and moisturizing remedies to better the skin condition, including plant extracts;
  • gel with brimonidine reduces redness.

Altogether, skin that is affected by this condition requires special care and usual cosmetics are not able to cope with the situation. That is why it’s crucial to get a consultation and select targeted treatment.


Further on, if topical remedies do not provide sufficient effect, it’s time to pay attention and try to use oral medicines. The first-line treatment is comprised of antibiotics, such as doxycycline. It must be prescribed by a specialist in an adequate dose to get the desired effect without harmful consequences.

The course of such a treatment is selected according to the condition of a patient and may last from several days to several weeks. Usually, it allows for combating the problem of bumps and pimples and reduces inflammation of the skin.

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Laser and light therapies

In addition, if a patient is worried about his or her skin condition and appearance and has visible blood vessels, laser and light therapies are a proper decision. They allow for the removal of all visible signs of rosacea, make the skin smoother and decrease redness.

Still, this treatment is only about visual effects and does not change the situation from the inner side. That is why it can be used only in the complex with other measures.

Ocular treatments

If the eyes are affected by this condition, they require additional care and therapy. Thus, there are certain remedies that reduce inflammation and swelling. Such eye drops are prescribed by a doctor. In addition, during the treatment, one should spend less time before the screen and give the eyes a chance to rest and avoid big loading.

If there is vision impairment, it requires additional diagnostics and treatment and must not be left without care.


Furthermore, the prevention of rosacea is not less important and valuable than its cure or diagnostics. If you have a family history of this condition or fair skin and flushing is common for you, then follow the next recommendations:

  • take care of your skin daily with the set of cosmetics chosen by a doctor;
  • do not neglect protection from sun and apply creams with UV protection all year round;
  • avoid the influence of extreme temperatures if possible, do not visit the sauna;
  • try to achieve life-work balance and reduce everyday stress through mindfulness practices like yoga, meditation, deep breathing or counseling;
  • stick to a healthy diet and quit such bad habits as smoking and abusing alcohol.

In addition, you can check your hormonal balance and the presence of nutrients in your body by simple blood tests. They should be done regularly, at least once per year and this will provide sufficient information to prevent not only rosacea but also other health issues.


In a nutshell, rosacea is not very dangerous for health but brings many unpleasant sensations and worsens the quality of life. Luckily enough, modern medicine provides a set of remedies that help to solve this problem. Thus, it’s important to select the proper treatment and stick to it under the guidance of a professional.

Do not neglect skin care and reduce the impact of possible triggers that can badly influence your skin. Then, rosacea will fade and you’ll enjoy the visible result.


How do you get rid of rosacea acne?

For this, one should use topical medications that work as antiseptics and anti-inflammatory agents. In severe cases, oral antibiotics are prescribed. Laser therapy helps the skin to recover.

What is the main cause of rosacea acne?

There is no one established reason for this condition. Usually, it is caused by a set of triggers like varied temperatures, sun exposure, stress, hormonal misbalance and bad habits.

Why did I suddenly develop rosacea?

This may be due to the family history, fair skin and influence of various environmental and inner factors. A diagnostics is needed to search for the main cause of the problem.

How do I know if my acne is rosacea?

For this, you should visit a specialist who makes a physical examination and prescribes some skin and blood tests to prove the diagnosis.